
"Atmosphere of creativity" on Tishinka


The traditional bright event in the world of needlework took place this fall: from October 22 to 26, 2014 the 7th International Exhibition and Sale took place in Tishinka.

"Atmosphere of creativity" was visited by more than 22 thousand guests. The project was attended by companies of various specializations: decoupage, embroidery, beads, soap, lace, scrapbooking, quilling and much more. For the first time, French embroiderers Les Brodueses Parisiennes were represented at an exhibition in Moscow, which held a fascinating conference for visitors.
The entertaining program for the exhibition guests was rich: fashion shows, contests with prize drawings, master classes on various types of needlework, seminars and lectures pleasantly surprised the audience. Speech by Ada Bykovskaya on the topic: "How to turn a business into a source of income" has attracted a large audience. The author shared with guests and participants of the event her ideas and personal experience.
Guests of the exhibition got acquainted with the author's works, goods for creativity, visited the "Free market", were able to get advice from an astrologer, took part in round dances from the magazine "Rodovoe Estate" and simply received a lot of positive emotions.
On the last day of the event, the solemn rewarding of Irina Kupriyanova, the master, whose work in terms of the number of spectator votes took first place in the competition "Suitcase Parade", took place.
At the stand Burda there was a lot of activity throughout the exhibition, especially on weekends. Visitors actively participated in our master classes.Under the guidance of the master Elena, the participants did:
- rings of buttons and brooches of felt and buttons;
- decorated the Christmas tree.
Moreover, the boys more often chose the decor of the Christmas tree, and they did it in a peculiar and very beautiful way.
Ksenia Glushakova from Crafts Lab taught everyone to knit on giant knitting needles and on her own hands without using any tools. Sincere surprise, "How does this come about?" and the desire to try were the main arguments for taking part in the master class.
In addition, at our booth, everyone could fill out a questionnaire and thereby express their opinion and attitude to the magazine Burda. And also chat with me, Julia Dekanova, site editor Visitors were actively interested in the opportunities and life of the site, new magazines, which are announced on our portal. But most of the questions were about Burda magazine patterns and new tutorial workshops on the site.
The guests left the exhibition with purchases and excellent mood. Many returned to the exhibition the next day, as they did not have time to watch everything and take part everywhere in one day.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
