Mountain minerals, extracts of medicinal plants, outlandish fruits ... Cosmetics with natural ingredients donated by nature itself need to be pampered as often as possible!

As you know, most of the Earth’s surface is occupied by the oceans, which is an inexhaustible source of nutrients. Various algae are especially rich in vitamins and microelements, which is why their extracts are often added to creams and serums. For example, brown kelp kelp contains biologically active components that help moisturize the skin. Extracts from sargasso algae and fucus vesiculosus are part of anti-cellulite complexes and products to increase skin elasticity. In the powder of a sea cucumber, or holothurium, you can find more than 200 ingredients useful to humans! And collagen extracted from shark cartilage helps strengthen the skin frame, which helps to fight wrinkles and make the face contour more clear.
Forest tale
Nuts, berries, birch buds, coniferous extracts and even mushrooms - the forest offers many gifts that will serve your youth and beauty. The simplest proof of this is to collect a handful of berries and make a face mask. For example, from the berries of mountain ash, known for its anti-aging properties, or from blueberries,blueberries and lingonberries, which return the skin to freshness and healthy color. If you need to eliminate the swelling and swelling of the skin, use a mask based on rose hips. Funds with cranberry berries are suitable for problem skin, as they relieve inflammation, narrow pores and remove greasy shine.
Mountain trails
Various minerals added to cosmetic formulas refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Particles of quartz well eliminate oily sheen, making the face dull. Mica helps to hide wrinkles, and malachite protects the skin from environmental influences. Especially often, mineral ingredients are present in the composition of deodorants and decorative cosmetics.
Field grass
The healing effect of chamomile pharmacy is known since ancient times. In cosmetology, it is valued for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and whitening properties. Oregano extract is often added to masks to cleanse the skin and acne. Calendula restores the skin, helps to narrow the pores. Oil from the roots of burdock is rich in vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B. Penetrating deep into the roots of the hair, the oil strengthens the hair follicle, so that they begin to grow better and acquire a mirror shine.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova