
How to keep calcium in the body


Parents, grandmothers and TV ads tell us about the need to consume calcium-rich foods every day.

Calcium - This is the main component of the structural basis of the teeth and bones of the skeleton. It contributes to normal blood coagulation, muscle contraction. Calcium is important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Its deficiency leads to serious diseases such as osteoporosis, and a violation of the normal growth and development of children.

Calcium-rich foods:

- dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, cheeses;

- nuts, legumes (lead in calcium content);

- greens - young nettles, rose hips, watercress;

- fish, especially sardine;

- meat;

- whole grains.

To maintain an adequate level of calcium in the body, it is not enough just to eat foods rich in this valuable element. The main thing is that calcium remains in our body. And for this it is necessary that the diet contains foods containing vitamin D. It is vitamin D that contributes to the proper absorption of calcium in the human body.

Vitamin D is present in butter, dairy products, egg yolk, and fatty fish.

Ascorbic acid, magnesium and phosphorus salts also help to stay in the body.

The main source of ascorbic acid is vegetables.

Most magnesium is found in bran, whole-grain bread and nuts.

Phosphorus salts are found in fish.

Photo: PR

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
