
Physiology of Confidence


To raise self-esteem, it is not enough to reorganize psychologically, you need to change your physiology. This is not an easy task. But if you wish, you can find a compromise with your complexing organism.

The root of the problem is often hidden not in the emotional sphere, but much deeper: in the individual characteristics of the nervous system and metabolism, malfunctions in the work of internal organs or even in genes. After all, they program not only how we feel, look, but also how we perceive ourselves. Fortunately, any program can be partially rewritten.

The billions of cells that make up the human body exist according to a single internal constitution recorded in genes. You probably noticed that children often inherit from their parents not only external features, such as thinness or special splendor of hair, but also the specifics of behavior, perception of the world and themselves.

Doctors have been trying for thousands of years to connect the characteristic features of the structure of the human body with his psychological portrait and self-esteem. So, Hippocrates divided all people into two constitutional types.

He called the first strong. To him belong people who are resistant to adverse factors, do not lose faith in themselves under any circumstances.

Representatives of the weak type give in to diseases and, almost not so, lose heart.

But what’s interesting: Hippocrates referred to the strong type people with naturally slender figures, and to the weak type those who easily gain weight and can hardly get rid of extra pounds. It turns out that full young ladies with low self-esteem perceive themselves negatively not because their figures are far from ideal. The psychophysiological constitution of bbw is such that, even after losing weight, they do not treat themselves better. Weight is reduced, and self-esteem is not growing: this is the paradox.

True, in the classification of Hippocrates, full ladies with a strong-willed character and a desire to dominate, which are not at all confused by their size, do not quite fit. You can’t classify such a weak type, but they also have problems with the assessment itself. Such women lack recognition, so they seek to fill a space not only in a psychological sense, but also physically. The dimensions of a person symbolically reflect his authority, therefore, having achieved success, we proudly declare that we have increased our weight in society. And if those around us don’t value us, and we don’t value ourselves, then the body, controlled by our innermost unconscious impulses, begins to do this for us and to raise weight - if not social, then at least physical.

If the body is capable of rebuilding its physiology, having spread out only in order to help increase self-esteem, then the reverse is also true - having improved the attitude towards oneself, one can become slimmer without much difficulty.


In the middle of the menstrual cycle - during ovulation - the level of positive estrogens in the female body simply rolls over, so even the most insecure women evaluate themselves much higher. And those who previously knew their worth, at such moments, fall to the other extreme - they tend to overestimate their advantages, capabilities and prospects.

At the end of the cycle, estrogenic influences recede into the background, and the first violin is played by the dull hormone progesterone, and only because of this internal circumstance, female self-esteem is greatly reduced. Expectant mothers often fall into the progesterone trap in the second or third month of pregnancy. A woman dreamed of a baby, and - lo and behold! - the test is finally positive. It would seem happiness! But for some reason there is no joy. On the contrary, disillusionment ensues, and not in anyone, but in oneself. Some even decide to terminate their pregnancy, and then they cannot understand what prompted them to take this step. And progesterone is to blame for everything - its excess makes you feel insecure in your own abilities.

Self-doubt due to hormonal imbalance visits lovely ladies after 40 years. Hormonal storms raging during this period are as powerful as during puberty or pregnancy.

We all know how tight and insecure teenagers are sometimes. Few of them boast high self-esteem. But the fact that mature women in their prime, internally return to their teenage state, often no one around is suspected.And the woman herself is, to put it mildly, not ready for this.

Self-esteem - the thing is unstable. The psychological assessment that we regularly expose ourselves is never final. We are constantly reviewing it, adding or lowering points.

Our tips:

- learn to value and love yourself more, and excesses from the waist will go away by themselves;

- herbal medicine will help calm the hormones during pregnancy;

- age-related hormonal bursts will help to extinguish the aromas of essential oils of orange, marjoram, basil, cinnamon.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 9/2013

Text: Ivan Belokrylov. Photo: PR

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
