
Sewing stitch in jeans


A closed seam, the sections of which are hidden inside the seam itself, is called seam or linen. This is a very durable seam, so it is used for sewing denim and bedding.

In addition, the seam is often found in overalls and travel accessories, (tents, backpacks, raincoats). And also in men's and women's classic shirts, but in this case it also bears a decorative character and speaks about the high quality of the product.

Sewing stitch is not so simple, it requires accuracy, attention and accuracy in execution.

Handling open slices manually: back seam

Step 1

Fold the parts with their faces facing each other. Depending on the product, the width of the allowances should be from 1.5 to 2 cm.

Step 2

Download details.

Step 3

Cut the upper allowance to a width of 0.5-1 cm, respectively.

Step 4

Bottom the upper allowance and iron on it.

How to carve seam allowances

Step 5

Unscrew both allowances on the part with a short allowance.

Pin or bite and iron.

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Step 6

Sew on the front side.

Depending on the product, the seam can be sealed both from the front and from the wrong side. But it’s more convenient with the wrong side, especially if you only comprehend the basics of sewing.

Step 7

Next, lay the second parallel line.


Use a double needle for double-stitching the seam.

Plate for passing difficult places: how to use

Stitch the seam on denim products from the wrong side, while threading the jeans for sharpening is wound on a bobbin (!), And thread regular sewing threads matching the color into the needle.

Photo: doitbetteryourself. club
